Readings for March 16, 2023

  • 🖨️ Just buy this Brother laser printer everyone has, it’s fine 🔗 - Absolutely agreed. Have one at home, and we have a few more scattered around the office. Cheap but incredibly solid with easily found generic toner. I don’t print much, but still must have sent several thousand pages through these things over the years I’ve owned them, and they’re still going strong. At the very least, definitely never buy an HP because fuck that extractive shit.
  • 👁️ U.S. Threatens Ban if TikTok’s Chinese Owners Don’t Sell Stakes 🔗 - Maybe it’s just me, but I’m far less concerned with the CCP knowing whatever can be ascertained about me via my TikTok addiction doomscrolling than, say, whatever the hell Meta or Google are scraping from my travels around the web. And what are they really going to do with the knowledge that I’ve got a thing for cats, confident curvy middle-aged women, socialism, Gen X, bikes, edibles, etc. At least their ads don’t creep me out. 🤷🏽‍♂️

March 16, 2023 at 11:32am