Readings for March 17, 2023

  • 🐟⛪️🥩 Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha allowing meat on St. Patrick’s Day 🔗 - I live in a predominately Catholic area, and always thought that it was silly how adherents would complain about having to eat a ridiculously huge fried fish meal, often made by someone else so you didn’t even stink up your home, every Friday during Lent. Serious deprivation there… 🙄 Apparently, even that is too much to ask when St. Patrick’s Day falls on one of those Fridays. So go ahead and meat it up, Northeast Nebraskans!
  • 📰 Axios fires Ben Montgomery after he called DeSantis release propaganda’ 🔗 - If you get fired from your news organization for calling something propaganda that is most definitely propaganda, you weren’t working for a news organization anyway. Not that they were a big source for me, but guess Axios is just another site to tell Google News to not bother showing me. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • 😵 Inside the Private Group Where Parents Give Ivermectin to Kids With Autism 🔗 - Textbook case of where CSP should be able to remove these poor kids from their idiotic parents/grandparents. I mean, for fuck sake, believing you can cure Down’s syndrome can be cured with antiparasitics is just, well, shouldn’t-use-that-word-but-it-fits.

March 17, 2023 at 6:00pm