Readings for March 10, 2023

  • 📺📰 ‘People are shocked and disgusted’: Fox News staffers say they are in the dark amid election lies scandal - Oh, please… 🙄 You may be in the news division, but you still work for Fox for fuck sake. The level of cognitive dissonance that you have to exhibit to even make the argument that you’re shocked and disgusted by an organization that has been shocking and disgusting for, well, it’s entire existence is immense.
  • 💒 German Catholic bishops back blessings for same-sex couples - At least one segment of Catholic leadership is acknowledging that humanity is broader than the tiny little box they’ve attempted to shove it into. What they don’t seem to understand is that, as people are further and further exposed to the ‘other’, they realize that the ‘other’ isn’t some amorphous evil, but just another person, deserving of the same respects as you. And the more the old guard attempt to hold onto that thinking, the less they are seen as relevant to the moral journey we all travel.

March 10, 2023 at 6:00pm