Readings for February 27, 2023

  • 🏛️ House GOP turns heat up on federal workers - Fire people if they don’t do things they’re supposed to do … That is our biggest problem in the federal government. Nobody can be held accountable.” Said by one of those people whose party is doing their very best to do the very worst job of governing.
  • 🚗 After Republican complaints, DOT abandons attempt to discourage highway construction - So we’re going to continue down a path that doesn’t solve any real problem, actively ignores the real problem of the unsustainability of our current system, and just ensures that the problems are larger and more entrenched in the future. Sure, why the hell not? I mean, we’ll be dead, and the hell with our children / grandchildren, they can figure it out… 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • 💊 DeSantis sues FDA for Canadian drug importation - Or — hear me out here — how about we figure out what Canada does right and emulate that instead of making some idiotic run around of our own healthcare system? (Oh, and as always, fuck DeSantis and his ilk for around an ∞ number of reasons.)
  • 🚊 I Rode in First Class on a European High-Speed Train for $160 - Ah, what we could have if we didn’t spend every last dime and more to make sure cars had preference everywhere. 😢

February 27, 2023 at 5:00pm