Amazon vs. Temu vs. AliExpress? How About None of the Above?

We’ve scaled back over the craziness that used to be our holidays. But still, after looking at the Xmas gifts ordered off of Amazon over the holidays, I’m left to wonder what is the actual difference between Amazon and, say, Temu or AliExpress? So much of what I received is essentially barely useful garbage. And I’m willing to bet each of these stores’ goods’ are created in the same factories by the same exploited workers, only directed into a differently-labeled bin.

Amazon was already on shaky grounds with me with their essential takeover of our local USPS post office and the commiserate damage to that service for everyone else, especially us rural folk. So, with them helpfully reminding me of how little I benefit from being a Prime member with their recent announcement re: adding ads unless you kick in a few more bucks each month, I’ve decided to turn off auto-renew on my Prime membership and see about being much more thoughtful with purchasing pretty much everything in the future.

Not like we need any more extra crap cluttering our life… 😉

January 3, 2024 at 4:42pm