Readings for April 26, 2023

  • ⛪️ Pope allows women to vote at upcoming bishops’ meeting 🔗 - How very magnanimous to give even an inkling of a voice to half the community you serve. As far as popes go, the current one is, IMO, at least on the better end of the spectrum. But he still represents an institution so bogged down in their history and outdated tradition that I can’t understand how it continues to survive outside of unthinking inertia. Which, I suppose, is true of any religion. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • 🐮 Judge tosses Devin Nunes suit 🔗 This Court ordered the SSA to verify the SSNs of all disclosed NuStar Farms employees. Of those employees who NuStar plaintiffs employed on or before September 30, 2018, 243 of 319 employees’ names, dates of birth, and SSNs did not match SSA records.” So, 75% of Devin Nunes’ farm employees were undocumented. Should result in some kind of consequence, shouldn’t it?
  • 🔫😓 Gov. Jim Pillen signs bill for concealed carry of handguns without permit or training 🔗 - The pic heading this article is just so cringe, with State Scumbag Brewer so sweatily hovering over the signing of the bill. <sarcasm>I know I will feel so much safer with any Joe Blow having the ability to hide their death-dealing penis substitute out in public with no determination that they are safe to do so.</sarcasm>

April 26, 2023 at 6:00pm
Religion Law Immigration Guns Readings

Readings for April 25, 2023

  • 👮🏻‍♂️🖕🏼 Officer who killed Breonna Taylor has been hired by a nearby police department 🔗 - Oh, sure, he may have mowed down an innocent black woman simply living in her own home, but we think he will help reduce the flow of drugs in our area and reduce property crimes,” Miller said. We felt like he was a good candidate to help us in our county.” Fuck the police.
  • 🛻 GM confirms Chevy Bolt will die this year, making way for electric pickups 🔗 - I’m not in need of a new vehicle, so I can’t say whether a Bolt would have been in any final list, but sure wish I lived in a country that wasn’t aching to shoehorn every vehicle owner into a big ol’ truck. I live in an area that pretty much requires me to own a vehicle of some kind. That doesn’t mean I need some overdesigned, oversized behemoth just to bring back a few bags of groceries.

April 25, 2023 at 6:00pm
Readings ACAB Transit Cars

Readings for April 18, 2023

April 18, 2023 at 6:00pm
Racism ACAB Readings

Readings for April 17, 2023

  • 🔫🚔🤬 Shooting of Black teen who went to wrong house investigated 🔗- Investigators also will consider whether or not the suspect was protected by Stand Your Ground’ laws…” Should be an insanely quick consideration. As in, shouldn’t have even been mentioned, because that consideration was immediately done and discarded for the farce that it is. If you can use such flimsy justification for shooting someone as their knocking on your door, there is no law anymore.
  • 🚔💊 Cocaine worth nearly $440 million found floating in the sea off Italy 🔗 - Someone’s really getting screwed by their plug. I know if someone handed me almost half a billion, I could come back with a helluva lot more than a couple tons of damp coke… ;)

April 17, 2023 at 6:00pm
Guns Racism Drugs ACAB Readings

Readings for April 12, 2023

April 12, 2023 at 6:00pm
Prison Capitalism Guns Readings