Amazon vs. Temu vs. AliExpress? How About None of the Above?

We’ve scaled back over the craziness that used to be our holidays. But still, after looking at the Xmas gifts ordered off of Amazon over the holidays, I’m left to wonder what is the actual difference between Amazon and, say, Temu or AliExpress? So much of what I received is essentially barely useful garbage. And I’m willing to bet each of these stores’ goods’ are created in the same factories by the same exploited workers, only directed into a differently-labeled bin.

Amazon was already on shaky grounds with me with their essential takeover of our local USPS post office and the commiserate damage to that service for everyone else, especially us rural folk. So, with them helpfully reminding me of how little I benefit from being a Prime member with their recent announcement re: adding ads unless you kick in a few more bucks each month, I’ve decided to turn off auto-renew on my Prime membership and see about being much more thoughtful with purchasing pretty much everything in the future.

Not like we need any more extra crap cluttering our life… 😉

January 3, 2024 at 4:42pm
consumerism Amazon

Good Riddance 2023

I realize - being a middle-aged white man living in the US, with a warm place to lie my head down, with enough food in the pantry, with a bit of cash in the bank, with a loving wife and a son I adore - I’m in a position many would trade for in an instant.

But 2023 cannot enter my rearview mirror soon enough. While most of the year was actually fine, the last quarter of the year is testing me. My son’s mental health issues revealed themselves in an absolute mental breakdown a couple days following my birthday. Realizing that I reside in a community whose sense of morality seems to wildly diverge from my own, this lonely individual feels even lonelier. Getting sued (in small claims court, but still) for an ancient medical expense that I’m positive has been paid but cannot prove because of something entirely out of my control. And now, just before Xmas, receiving the news that my wife of 25+ years has cancer that has spread to a yet-to-be-determined extent.

Enough. Let it end already. And 2024: Be nice. I’m a little raw right now.

December 31, 2023 at 4:26pm
2023 mental health cancer lonely

Begin Again

If anything, I’m good about intending to do things. As in, intending to post something here consistenly. Which, as you can see now that it’s been 7 months (!) since my last post here, shows how successful I was at that… 🙄

Ah, well, time to begin again.


December 12, 2023 at 4:20pm

Readings for May 9, 2023

May 9, 2023 at 6:00pm
Healthcare Readings

Readings for May 5, 2023

May 5, 2023 at 6:00pm
Religion Guns Government Readings